Renee Rose
Oct 22, 2020


Hi Shannon!

I just wanted to thank you so much for writing this story. I too struggle with imposter syndrome on a daily basis and it has gotten much worse since this pandemic started. I was doing really well about two months ago, writing a new Medium story (most of which I was proud of and did fairly well) every day but for the last month or so, I've barely been able to write at all. It's a true struggle.

I just wanted to say that I look at you much in the same way you describe looking at Robert Roy Britt. I read your stories whenever I come across them and I enjoy them immensely. You're one of those Medium writers that I deem "successful" and you're one of the writers that inspires me to continue trying on this platform myself. You may feel like an imposter but I can promise you that you're not. You've clearly worked hard and have created a brand that you can be proud of. So many of us enjoy your work.

Thanks for reminding me that even those I deem "successful" on this platform feel like imposters from time to time too. I needed to read this today.



Renee Rose

Freelance Writer. Blogger. UFO enthusiast and lover of space. Email me at: